Encyclopedia of Bridge Terms |
General |
F2F - Abbreviation for Face To Face [to distinguish from Online bridge]
Duplicate |
49er Pairs - An open ACBL event, but all players must have fewer than
50 masterpoints
General |
Face -
1. |
The side of the cards
showing its value: suit and rank. |
2. |
To place a card upward for
all players to view its value. |
Jargon |
Face Cards - The Kings, Queens, and Jacks in the pack (deck).
Historically, the Face Cards were called "Coat Cards" and later referred to
as "Court Cards". See History of
Cards and
Face Down Leads - To place the opening lead face down on the table,
allowing partner to inquire about opponent's bidding and ensure the lead is
from the correct player.
Face down opening lead - See Law
Withdrawal of with director's permission - See Law
Laws |
Faced Card - A card whose face is made visible to all players.
See Law 45
Fact - An event which occurred at the table. Occasionally,
players are not in agreement over the facts, requiring a Director or
Committee for resolution.
Agreed, ruling on - See Law
Appeal on question of - See Law
Disputed, ruling on - See Law
Duplicate |
Factoring - A function performed by the Director to normalize
Matchpoint scores due to unbalanced conditions, ensuring a same base to make
player's scores comparable for ranking purposes
Failure To Alert -
Change of call following disclosure of misinformation - See Law
Failure to as misinformation - See Law
Inclusion in review of auction - See Law
Regulation by sponsoring organization - See Law
Laws |
Failure To Comply With Regulations - See Law
Laws |
Failure To Lead Or Play Penalty Card When Required - See Law
General |
Fall - A card of lesser value which loses to one of a higher
Falsecard - To play a higher card than necessary, intending to
deceive the opponents. See books on Bridge
False Preference - To deceptively show preference to a suit.
General |
FAQ - Abbreviation for Frequently Asked Questions
Fast Arrival - An approach of quickly
jumping to game to deny extra values which might invite slam. Thus, a
fast arrival player makes intermediate-level forcing calls to show extra
values to suggest slam exploration. See
Also see Slow Arrival
Fast Pairs - In the Fast Pairs game the speed of play is increased by
a major factor. Instead of the usual seven to eight minutes allowed to play
each board, the game is set up so that boards must be completed in five
minutes. Sometimes this permits more boards to be played. More often this
type of game results in a game finishing at an earlier time. Such a game
often is called a Speedball Pairs.
General |
Fast Pass - To make an unusually quick-cadence pass bid. Such
action provides improper unauthorized
information of weak holdings to all
- Unauthorized information -
see also Information;
- Extraneous information -
General |
Favorable Vulnerability - Referring to the side being Non-Vulnerable,
while opponents are Vulnerable. Also known as "White over Red"
and Green Vulnerability. See
Feature -
1. |
A top honor (usually an Ace
or King), commonly used after a preemptive
Weak 2 Bid and obstructive
bidding Systems sequence as:
2. |
A noteworthy suit, usually
showing either strength. Here's an example playing a generalized
version of the "Help Suit
Game Try" convention:
1H - 2H;
3D |
3D is similar to opener's
3H invitational bid, but instead asks partner to consider bidding
4H with a Diamond
Jargon |
Fever - The colloquial term referring to the
5 (five-spot) card.
See Card Names
Fert - To open with a weak opening hand (7 points or less) at the
one-level. Fert calls are normally associated with partners who play a
Strong Pass system. The term Fert is actually a colloquial term,
derived from the term "fertilizer".
Duplicate |
Field - The contestants in an event.
Fielder's Choice - In a competitive auction, the opportunity to
obtain a good result by either continuing bidding or doubling the opponents.
Laws |
Fielding A Psych - To illegally interpret a partner's call as a
bluff/psyche bid before opponents are aware of the deliberate
misinterpretation of partner's holdings.
See Law 40A.
Laws |
Fifth Card To A Trick - See Law
General |
Fifth Honor - The ten-spot of the trump suit. See Example
Jargon |
Filler - An intermediate card which supports honors in a long suit.
General |
Final Contract or Bid - The last bid of an auction.
Finesse - A lead towards an opponent's possible winning card,
anticipating an opportunity to trap the intervening card.
Also see books on
General |
First Hand - Referring to the dealer, who makes the initial call.
Fishbein - A rudimentary defensive system in response to opponents
preemptive opening bids, including:
1. |
Double is a
penalty-oriented bid. |
2. |
Cheapest suit is for
Takeout. |
Fisher Double - The conventional use of a
double requesting a Club lead over opponents' Notrump contract or a Diamond
lead if opponents' made an undoubled 2C Stayman call. See
Jargon |
Fishhook - The colloquial term referring to a
Jack or 7
(seven-spot). See
Card Names
General |
Fit - Referring to the combined suit assets with one's partner.
Fit Showing Jump - A skip bid showing suit length in both partner's
suit as well as the bid suit of the jump. See
Conventions (Mixed Raise)
General |
Five - Represented by 5 pips. See
Five Card Majors - A partnership agreement that an opening bid in a
major suit is (usually) five or more cards in that suit.
Five of a Major, Opening - A five-level opening bid shows a hand with
only two losers -- the trump Ace and King.
Five Notrump, Opening - A five-level Notrump opening bid shows a
balanced hand with only two losers.
Jargon |
Fix - To obtain a poor score based upon a illogical bid or play by
the opponents.
Flannery Two Diamonds - See
General |
Flat Hand - Referring to a hand containing a 4-3-3-3 distribution.
Duplicate |
Flat Board - A Board where contestants all obtain an identical score.
Duplicate |
Flight - A segmentation of contestants according to their cumulative
masterpoints as an attempt to balance the field.
Duplicate |
Flighted Pairs - This event is broken down into two or three fields
based on masterpoints. Each field competes as a separate event. The flight
for which a pair is eligible is determined by the masterpoint holding of the
player with more masterpoints. Pairs may opt to play in a higher category
but not in a lower one. Often, but not always, the breakdown is as
follows: Flight A—0 to infinity; B—0-750; C—0-300. All pairs are eligible to
compete in Flight A. Only pairs with fewer than 750 points (Flight B limit)
are eligible to play in Flight B. Only pairs with fewer than 300 points
(Flight C limit) are eligible to play in Flight C. Pairs eligible for Flight
A may compete in Flight A only. Masterpoints are awarded based on the number
of tables in the flight entered added to the number of tables in all lower
Flip Flop - See Conventions
Duplicate |
Flitch - A married couples' event.
Jargon |
Float -
1. |
Concluding an auction, e.g.
a bid followed by three passes |
2. |
To duck the possibility of
winning a trick |
Jargon |
Fluke - An unexpected situation or play, usually producing a very
good result.
Laws |
Following Suit - To play a card in the same denomination as the suit
General requirement - See Law
Requirement when penalty card(s) present - See Law
Revoke - See Law
Laws |
FOLOOT - Abbreviation for Faced Opening Lead Out Of Turn

Force -
1. |
A lead that necessitates
and opponent to play a trump to win a trick |
2. |
To make a required bid. |
Forcing Bid - A bid required by partnership agreement, unless
opponents make an intervening bid or double. See
Forcing Club - A Strong Club opening system, where an opening of 1
Club is an artificial bid.

Forcing Defense - The tactic of making attacking leads and plays
during the early stages of play. Advantageous forcing defensive
situations include:
1. |
Opponent's do not have a
strong trump fit, such as a 4-3 fit. |
2. |
Opponent's have 4-4 trump
fit, while defenders have a 4-1 trump distribution. |
3. |
Declarer hold a two suited
hand. |
4. |
Defenders have a long
suit/s which force declarer to ruff. |
Opening Leads, Passive Lead,
Trump Lead,
Active Defense,
Fourth Best or
Third and Fifth leads,
Coded 9 and 10 (Jack
denies, 10 implies), Obvious Suit
Preference, and Middle Up Down (MUD),
Bottom Of Something Top Of Nothing (BOSTON).
Also see books on
Forcing Notrump - A conventional response of 1 Notrump to partner's
major suit opening, requiring further description of opener's hand.
The Forcing Notrump call is a cornerstone of the 2/1 system, usually showing
a range of 6-12 points; this treatment is necessary to cover responder's
10-12 point range, where a two-level response would be game-forcing.
See Details,
2/1 System,
1NT Forcing
Forcing Lead - A defensive lead intended to weaken declarer's trump
holding. See Forcing Defense
Forcing Pass - In a competitive auction, a pass that allows partner
to choose the most profitable option between a rebid in agreed suit or
doubling opponents for penalty. See Details
Forcing Pass
in Contract Bridge
Forcing Raise - A game-forcing raise in partner's suit.
Forcing Sequences - A series of calls showing strength, with last bid
requiring partner to continue bidding.
Forcing Stayman - See
Forcing to Game - A call asking partner to continue bidding to either
game or doubling opponents for penalty.
Forcing 2 Bid - A legacy Strong 2 bidding system, where an
opening two level bid is any suit strongly suggests game (2N
is a negative response) . Currently, most
competitive players prefer to play preemptive two-level opening bidding,
reserving only 2C to show a strong opening hand.
Laws |
Forfeit - To legally waive one's rights according to the Laws. a
right or turn to call.
Acceptance of insufficient bid - See Law
Acceptance of lead out of turn - See Law
After call out of rotation - See Law
After irregularity - See Law
By dummy's infraction - See Law
Play before assessment of penalty for infraction - See Law
Retention of right to call - See Law
Fork -
1. |
An unenviable position of
choosing between losing plays. |
2. |
Tenance holdings, as
Ace-Queen. |
Duplicate |
Forms - BridgeHands includes several free
downloadable forms for your use:
2, 3, and 4 table Tallies
Duplicate Traveler
Private Scoresheet
The ACBL has a variety of useful ACBL forms for
Directors, suitable for tournament events.
player memo
Accident report
Hearing notification
Hearing report
Prior actions
Kit compiled for conduct hearings
Knockout teams
Compact KOs assignment for 2nd 12 board match
of a session
Compact KOs tally sheet for 2nd half of the session
Registration forms
Membership Form
Special Supply List (Alert Chart, Forms etc)
Tournament Assistant Form (For Sponsors)
Foster Echo - See Conventions
Laws |
Fouled Board - A board where players have erroneously interchanged
cards from one players hand to another.
Fouled board - See Law
General |
Four - Represented by 4 pips. Example
Fourchette - See Fork
Four Aces System - Dating back to the 1930's, a system including:
Weak Notrump opening, convenient minor suit opening bids, Weak Jump
Overcalls, Psychic Bids with only strength in bid suit by third hand and
occasionally first hand.
4 Level Bid - An opening bid made at the four level, anticipating
ten winning tricks.
4 Card Majors - A partnership agreement that an opening bid in a
major suit is (usually) four or more cards in that suit. While the
4 Card Major system is no longer as popular as 5 Card Majors,
4 Card Majors are
still enjoyed by Acol players.
4 Club Conventions - See
Four Deal Bridge (Chicago) - A variation of Rubber Bridge where each round (Chukker)
is comprised of four deals, with Vulnerability and scoring following
Duplicate play. Dealer is Vulnerable on the second through fourth seat and
all Vulnerable in fourth seat. Instead of Rubber bonuses, game bonuses
are 300 points for Non-Vulnerable games, with 500 points for a Vulnerable
game. No bonuses are awarded for holding 4-5 honors in a suit contract
or 4 Aces in a Notrump contract.
General |
Four Horsemen - The 1930's team organized by Hal Sims to take on Ely
Culbertson's team. Hal's teammates were David Burnstine, Oswald
Jacoby, and Willard Karn.
4 Notrump Overcall - See
Four Suit Transfers - See
Four Way Transfers - See
Four Suit Transfers |
Fourteen Thirty (1430): See Conventions
Fourth Best Lead - See Conventions
General |
Fourth Hand -
1. |
The fourth player to
contribute to a trick |
2. |
The fourth player to make a
call (dealer's Right Hand Opponent) |
Fourth Suit Forcing - See
Fragment - A bid in a new suit with fewer cards then previously bid
suits, often used similar to a Splinter Bid showing shortness in a certain
General |
Frame - A game session.
Jargon |
Freak - The colloquial name for a hand with
extraordinary suit distribution, suit as a 8+ card suit or an extreme two
suited hand. See Shape
Duplicate |
Fred Friendly Award - An annual award presented by the Professional
Tournament Directors Association to the Director who exemplifies courtesy
and friendly behavior to players.
Free Bid (Freebid) - To make a bid over an opponents' call
in direct seat when it is
not required to provide partner another chance to bid. In the
following example, responder's 3 Spade call was a type of a Free Bid:
1D - (1H) - 1S - (2H);
X - (3H) - 3S
See Takeout Double
General |
Free Double - A low level double that, even if opponents make the
doubled bid, is still beneath a game score (less than two in a major suit).
Free Position - Referring to a direct
seat after Right Hand Opponent makes a non-Pass call. See Free Bid
General |
Free Raise - A free bid after an overcall, as:
1H - (2C) - 2H
Duplicate |
Friend Award - An American Bridge Association award bestowed annually
to the player accumulating the most Masterpoints.
Jargon |
Frigid - A hand guaranteed to make the contract, assuming a
reasonable line of play.
Duplicate |
Front - The front side of a card showing the rank and suit.
Duplicate |
Front of Card - Referring to the treatment of 1 Notrump responses
from the perspective of the two sides of the
Convention Card. The back
side of the Convention Card includes conventional responses to partnership
overcall of 1 Notrump. Some partners use the same treatment as an
opening 1 Notrump call (Front of Card, or FOC).
Frozen - To avoid breaking a suit to minimize losing tricks.
General |
F2F - Abbreviation for Face To Face [to distinguish from Online
General |
Fulfilling Contract - To win enough tricks to make the bid contract.
Furwiler - See Conventions
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