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Declarer Play The Bergen Way


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Chapter 12 :Pesky Partscores ........................................... 123


Chapter 13

Setting Up Your Long Suit

© 2004 - Marty Bergen

Page 135
Setting Up Your Long Suit

Contract: 4
A J 9 7 4 3
A 5
A K 9 8


K Q J 10 9 7
J 9 6 3

5 2

West   North   East     South

  --        1       --        1NT

Pass     2     Pass      2

Pass     4     All Pass

Question 1: You have nine obvious winners. What is your plan for a tenth trick?

Question 2: Where should you win the first trick?

Question 3: How will you continue?

© 2004 - Marty Bergen

Page 136
Setting Up Your Long Suit

Question 1: You have nine obvious winners. What is your plan for a tenth trick?

Answer: After the trump lead, you lack the timing to get a diamond ruff. Therefore, you need to set up dummy’s spade suit.

Question 2: Where should you win the first trick?

Answer: In your own hand. This is definitely not the time to "use up the honor from the short side first." Every one of dummy’s entries will be useful later on.

Question 3: How will you continue?

Answer: After you win the 2 in your hand, lead a spade to dummy’s ace. Ruff a spade, and lead a trump to dummy’s A. Once both opponents follow to two rounds of spades and two rounds of trumps, you are guaranteed to win at least 11 tricks.

You then lead a third round of spades as East shows out. No problem. You ruff and draw the last trump. You still have one trump remaining in your hand. Lead a club to dummy’s ace, and ruff out West’s K. Dummy’s two remaining spades are now good.

Lead a club to dummy’s K and cash the two spade tricks. You have won the first 11 tricks, so concede the last two tricks making five.

© 2004 - Marty Bergen

Page 137
Setting Up Your Long Suit

Contract: 4
A J 9 7 4 3
A 5
A K 9 8
K 10 8 5
6 4 2
A 10 8
7 4 3
Q 6
8 3
K Q 7 5 4
Q J 10 6
K Q J 10 9 7
J 9 6 3

5 2


West   North   East     South

  --        1       --        1NT

Pass     2     Pass      2

Pass     4     All Pass

© 2004 - Marty Bergen

Chapter 14 :Making the Most of Your Entries ............. 145

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