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ACBL Duplicate Decisions
Chapter 8, Law 78-79: The Score

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ACBL Duplicate Bridge Laws -
Laws Index & Detailed Laws

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This document is provided courtesy of the
American Contract Bridge League

2990 Airways Blvd. S Memphis TN 38116–3847
S Fax 901–398–7754

A Club Director’s Guide for Ruling at the Table
Duplicate Decisions


Duplicate Decisions (DD) has been reformatted into a book that an ACBL club director can use in place of the official Laws of Duplicate Contract Bridge. All of the Laws have been written and presented in everyday English to help club directors understand their meanings. In addition to the table of contents, an index which refers to the appropriate Law by topic is available in the back of this book.

DD can be used to make most of the rulings that will come up during a typical club game. The ideal way to use this publication is to tab the most common rulings. Occasionally DD will refer the director to the official Laws book. In those cases, the director will have to do some research before making a ruling.

Every club director needs to become very familiar with the Laws in order to make good rulings. It is helpful to highlight the sections of each Law that are most frequently used in making a ruling pertaining to that Law.  DD is designed to be used in conjunction with The ACBL Club Directors Handbook, which was published in 2003 and developed to assist club directors in running outstanding club games. The handbook contains all of the information previously found in the Appendix to DD plus information that will help club directors make their club games the best games in town.

The new handbook is a source of tips, ACBL regulations, ACBL programs such as the IN (Intermediate-Newcomer) Program and New Player Services, movements, ACBLscore, Alerts, Zero Tolerance, etc.  Directors will benefit from reading the "Ruling the Game" column, which is published monthly in The Bridge Bulletin. It’s a good way to learn more about the Laws and how they should be applied.

ACBL’s web site is also a good source of information that directors will find helpful in running club games. 

Good luck! Let ACBL hear from you whenever you need help.

ACBL Director of Education



77. Duplicate Bridge Scoring Table

78. Methods of Scoring

79. Tricks Won


80. Sponsoring Organization


81. Duties and Powers

82. Rectification of Errors of Procedure

83. Notification of the Right to Appeal

Powers and Duties of an Appeals Committee

Barring of Players by Club Management

84. Rulings on Agreed Facts

85. Rulings on Disputed Facts

86. In Team Play

87. Fouled Board

88. Award of Indemnity Points

89. Penalties in Individual Events

90. Procedural Penalties

91. Penalize or Suspend


92. Right to Appeal

93. Procedures of Appeal

Director’s Role

Club Appeals Committee



Duplicate Bridge Scoring Table

NOTE: Please refer to the Official Laws of Duplicate Contract



Methods of Scoring

NOTE: Please refer to the Official Laws of Duplicate Contract



Tricks Won

Agreement as to the Number of Tricks Won

An agreement of the number of tricks won may not be changed after the round has ended, except as permitted in Law 69 and Law 71.

Disagreement as to the Number of Tricks Won

If a subsequent disagreement arises, the Director must be called. No increase in score need be granted unless the Director is called before the round ends as defined in Law 8. Law 69 or Law 71 may supersede this provision when there has been an acquiescence or a concession.

NOTE: It is ACBL policy to accept a change (for both pairs) whenever the Director is convinced by both pairs that the changed result is the one obtained at the table. However, the Director is not required to grant an increase in score and may make a two-way correction, as in the following example, whenever appropriate. Any change must be submitted within the correction period.

Example: North–South play 4S, and both sides agree that declarer took 10 tricks. The board is scored as +420 for North–South. Later North–South believe they took 11 tricks, and after some conversation East–West agree. The Director is told but is not convinced 100% that the actual result was +450. He may accept the score change and matchpoint the board showing +450 for North–South. Since no increase in score need be granted, however, the North–South matchpoint score may be reduced to what +420 earned, or would have earned. In other words, each side gets the worst of the situation — East–West minus 450 and North–South +420.

Correcting an Error in Computing or Tabulating the Agreed-Upon Score

If a contract of 2S is played, and declarer wins 10 tricks, but +140 is scored rather than +170, this Law applies. It states that the correction may be made until the expiration of the period specified for such corrections by the sponsoring organization. Unless otherwise specified, the correction period expires 30 minutes after the official score has been completed and made available for inspection. Many local club games allow the correction period for one session (for example, Tuesday afternoon) to end at the start of the game the following week (Tuesday afternoon of the next week).

When a score is incorrectly entered on the traveling scoresheet, it should be corrected whenever it is discovered before the end of the correction period IF the correction has been verified by the opponents and IF the Director is convinced that it is the result that was obtained at the table. This Law does not necessarily apply if there is a claim or a concession.

Should a player be inattentive to either entering or checking scores, thereby causing a number of score corrections, the Director should consider not granting an increase in score by issuing a procedural penalty.

Index to Duplicate Laws



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