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BridgeHands offers Question and Answer EMAIL Support for your Bridge related questions.   When you are ready to place your order, please visit BridgeHands Q & A EMAIL Support for signup details.

What's Yellow and Black and read all over?


Why is it called Yellow Card?

When the American Contract Bridge League originally manufactured their form for the Standard American conventions, they chose the color yellow to easily distinguish that convention card from the normal one (white).

In ACBL Duplicate events like "Individual Tournaments" where players change partners each round, all players are provided the Standard American Yellow Card -- and the original was definitely yellow!   Here's a non-colored Yellow Card for you to print out if you like.  The ACBL has original at:

 If for some reason you wanted to buy a package of the Yellow Card, it's available at:

(select Bridge Supplies - Convention Cards - Standard Yellow Card)



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