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BridgeHands Advertising program is a great way for your company to promote your Bridge products and services here at BridgeHands.   Categories include:

Services, Instructional Materials, Printed Media, Bridge Supplies, etc.

Potential customers may not be aware of your Bridge products and services or your unique value propositions.   Allow the BridgeHands channel to bolster your product placement and stimulate increased demand.

EMAIL with your order or a quote to meet your specific needs.  Pricing varies based on:


BridgeHands Distribution Channel/s:


BridgeHands Mini-Ad (small JPEG or table with hyperlink) - Product/Service Ad placement/s may be at BridgeHands: home page, primary index page, product page, low-level page/s (banner ads are not permitted)


BridgeHands Webpage Ad (detailed description) -  Product/Service Ad, indexed at BridgeHands Product page with content on your own webpage/s, with your choice of URL path under BridgeHands  homepage


BridgeHands eMagazine Ad - Product/Service Ad placement in monthly eMag Newletter/s (Newcomer-Novice or Intermediate/Advanced)


Placement on webpage: Above fold or beneath fold (does not apply to BridgeHands Webpage Ad)


Term - one month minimum


Pixel/Content Requirements - Size (real estate), Kilobytes

See BridgeHands Billing - Payment instructions and options



Customers agree to BridgeHands terms and conditions, including but not limited to the BridgeHands Disclaimer and Privacy Statement.

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