Synopsis: In this book I
have written very little about exceptions. Most of the advice is general,
and the rules I suggest apply to types of problems rather than specific
situations. As bridge literature is not completely lacking in such material,
I have attempted to avoid repeating what appears elsewhere. Thus, the
different charters are essays on assorted bridge subjects. The topics
covered share the attribute that they have been dealt with only cursorily
(if at all) elsewhere. I assume that you, the reader, are an "average
player," in whatever area of bridge competition you prefer. I will try to
show how you, using whatever bridge talents you possess (or may possess in
the future) , can improve your results simply by recognizing certain
principles which may hitherto have escaped your attention. I hope that you
will understand the material more deeply each time you read it, having
profited in the interim from practical playing experience.
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