Synopsis: Back in the
early sixties, The Card School, run by Edgar Kaplan, Jim Becker and others
published a bridge book written in concise form to answer bridge questions
that commonly arose. Jim Becker, who passed away in 1994, updated the book
in the early eighties rewriting many of the chapters and modernizing the
text. The Beverly Card School has recently published our newest edition of
the Biggest Little Book. The Biggest Little Bridge Book provides, in very
concise form most of the answers to your questions as you advance in your
knowledge of the game. The mastery of the fundamentals is and continues to
be of first rate importance for all bridge players. The book includes:
Importance of Trick One, Counting Losers, Trumping Losers in Dummy, The
Double Finesse, Eight Ever Nine Never, Percentages, Scoring Summary, Chicago
Scoring, Duplicate Scoring Changes, and many others.
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