Synopsis: Nearly all the
entries in this Encyclopedia fall within five main categories: technical
(bidding and play); historical; procedural (tournament organization, laws
etc.); biographical and geographical; terminological. Historical. Every
effort has been made to trace the history of the American Contract Bridge
League and other major organizations. Procedural. The Laws of both Rubber
Bridge and Duplicate Bridge are given in full, and these include a number of
clarifications agreed upon by the international lawmaking bodies after the
publication of the 1963 Codes. Biographical and Geographical, Over fifty
bridge-playing countries throughout the world are listed, in addition to
over five hundred of their players. Terminological. The editors have
attempted to list and define all terms, both regular and colloquial, in
common use throughout the English-speaking bridge world. For bridge terms in
other languages, the reader is referred to the GLOSSARY.
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