Synopsis: Appointing
himself the messenger of the gods, Victor Mollo issued 'invitations to
Olympus' to members of today's bridge elite who, he feels, are undoubtedly
destined for immortality. All but two accepted the invitation, and with
their co-operation he presents his Immortals, introducing each to the reader
with a lively sketch highlighting his character and achievements. Each one
brings with him his favorite hands. Some of these are spectacular, some
humorous. Some occurred at rubber bridge, others at decisive moments in
national and international championships. But all exemplify the subtlety of
which only the best players are capable - when they are at their best.
Victor Mollo's thirty-five Immortals include eleven North Americans, eight
Britons and six members of Italy's invincible Blue Team. The book is
illustrated with photographs and contains also some hundred 'immortal'
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