Synopsis: Bridge is game
of triumph and disaster. Extreme good luck for one side is extreme bad luck
for the other. When one partnership is tempted to laugh, the other will be
close to tears. It is only because success at the game means so much to the
players that bridge has remained the world’s top card game for so many
decades. In this book David Bird and Nikos Sarantakos gather together some
of the most extraordinary bridge deals ever played. Sometimes a brilliant
play succeeded but points were lost because of a huge disaster at the other
table. On other deals an apparent disaster gained points because there was
an even worse accident at the other table. Sit back and enjoy the hands and
the stories, nearly all of which come from the very highest level of the
game. By studying (and, let’s admit it, enjoying!) the misfortunes of
others, you can avoid suffering such disasters yourself. A book to delight
any player keen to improve their game
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