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Ruffing Out a Side Suit - Often when the declarer has a long trump suit and a long side suit, extra tricks may be obtained promoting the side suit.   Consider these hands with declarer in a 6 Spade contract.

   Q J 10 6 5
3 2
A K Q 3 2

K Q J 10 9

Contract: 6S

 Declarer: South

A 8 7 6 5
  A K 4 3 2
3 2
7 6 5

West leads the DK, overtaking by East's DA who returns the HJ.  Rather than take the offered finesse, the declarer should consider ruffing out a side suit with this holding.

Declarer wins the HA, plays up to 3 rounds of trump, keeping Dummy entries and winning the third round in Dummy. Next win 3 rounds of Clubs, ruffing the fourth Club. Return to the Dummy by ruffing the D3.  Assuming neither opponent has 5 Clubs, declarer has promoted the little C3 , pitching the questionable HQ to make Slam.


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