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Entry Squeeze (Unblocking Squeeze) - A squeeze which forces defenders to discard seemingly low cards in a suit, yet allowing the declarer to subsequently overtake cards in a given suit.

  4 3
Q 10 5 2
8 7 6
J 10 9 4
9 8 7 2
Q 10 9 3
Q 7 6 5

Declarer: South

Contract: 3NT

A J 10
 J 9 8 7
 K J 2
4 3 2
  K Q 6 4
 A K 4 3
 A 5 4

East lead D3, ducked twice to break opponent communication, won on the third trick by South's DA. Declarer is light on winners, the 1 Diamond, 2 Clubs, 4 Hearts, perhaps 1 Spade - 1 trick short of game. Declarer takes the first seven of these tricks (but not the Spade). 

Declarer exits with a Club, hoping West will provide an entry.  Fortunately for declarer, West must take the CQ, squeezing East for the extra trick needed to make game.

Also see Squeezes and Bridge Books on Squeezes

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