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Entry Shifting Squeeze - A positional squeeze depending on an entry between the hands to promote winners in the squeezed suit.

  Q 7

6 4

J 10


Contract: Spades

9 8
  J 3
 J 8

Of the various Entry Shifting Squeeze configurations, in this example West is exclusively squeezed here. South cashes the SJ and West forfeits a red winner (East is immaterial). 

If West pitches dummy's side suit (Diamond here),  dummy overtakes with SQ, ruffing a Diamond return to deplete West; now dummy's Diamond and Spade are winners.

If West instead pitched a Heart, declarer would switch to a Heart to deplete West of the suit by ruffing in dummy; returning to declarer's hand via ruff; the final Heart is promoted and trump cashed.

Also see Squeezes and Bridge Books on Squeezes

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