Polling You #72, Passive Leads Against Suit Contracts, Day 3

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In our prior episode we progressed from the basics of opening leads against suit contracts to active and more aggressive leads in situations where we need to capture our tricks before the declarer magically makes them disappear!   In this lesson, we explore situations where we may be rewarded for making a more passive lead avoid giving away tricks deserved by our side.

Click here to view Part 1 of the video commentary

Passive Defense Situations when declarer is in a suit contract:

  1. Partner gives us clear lead direction
    1. Partner opened/overcalled a major suit (5+)
    2. Partner doubled the opponent’s artificial bid (Stayman, Transfer, cuebid)
  2. Trump lead reduces opponents ruffing ability
  3. Safe sequence lead is best (Ace from Ace-King, top of sequence, etc.)
  4. Opponents have minimal strength (partscore)
  5. Partner not likely to hold a helpful honor (bust)
  6. Declarer (Right Hand Opponent) bid strongly but not in a slam suit contract
    1. Opens 1 Notrump (15-17), rebids 2 Notrump (18-19), opens 2 NT (20-21)
    2. Opener reverses as:  1C – 1H; 2D… (17+ points)
    3. Opener strong jump shift as:  1D – 1H; 3C… (19-21 points)

As always, thoughtful defenders should attentively listen to the auction.  Even aside from the bidding, shrewd defenders monitor the opponents’ mannerisms, gestures and the like.   And when it comes to assessing the bidding and play of the hand against a suit contract, here is our short list of extras to consider when making leads:

  1. count, Count, COUNT and Think 
  2. Count points
  3. Count Distribution
  4. Count Tricks (auction level)
  5. Integrate auction inferences into partnership plan

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