Video Subscriptions


As of 2021, BridgeHands now offers an improved user interface to view our video at:

Please go to our BridgeHands Patreon page to subscribe to our video lessons:

Learn Bridge by watching all our videos – NOW on Patreon – it’s fun and easy!   Membership Plan Lessons:

Jacks: 188 Polling You Videos + some Member Livestreams

Kings & Queens: 188 Polling You + 95 Social + 63 Advanced Lessons + All Member livestreams

Aces: 188 Polling You + 95 Social + 63 Advanced Lessons + 47 Hands of the Week + All Member livestream

Monthly Membership subscription prices are:
Aces: 300+ video hours
Kings & Queens: 200+ hours
Jacks: 100+ hours
Newcomers: 26 Introductory videos
We also offer livestream videos for our members.

Our recorded videos are now organized by:
– Polling You (187 videos)
– Play (174 videos)
– Bidding (149 videos)
– Hand Evaluation (98 videos)
– Social (87 videos)
– Advanced (56 videos)
– Newcomers (28)
– And another 84 categories that cross-reference popular concepts such as:
  Slam (64), Finesse (54), Promotion (49), Defense (49), Controls (45),
  Ruff/Trump (43), Losing Trick Count (36),  Competition (34),
  Notrump (32), Suit Quality (31), Opening Lead (26), Cover Card (26),
  Cuebid (24),  Blackwood (24), Counting (23), Strong Jump Shift (20), etc.

Warm Regards,
