Polling You #41: Slam Bidding Introduction, Day 1, February 16, 2011

Slam Bidding in Contract Bridge – Introduction

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In Bridge, everyone loves a slam.  Well, at least if the slam was made by you our your partner!  Of course, earning a slam bonus does not come without some risks.  So that’s the basis of the terrific bonuses earned for a 12 trick slam or breathtaking 13 trick grandslam.

Like any contract, making a slam requires accurate hand evaluation, sound partnership agreements, accurate bidding and solid card play.  The best things in life aren’t always easy, that’s the charm of stretching to get the gold.

Slam bidding has three components:
1. Strength – The power of High Card Points is our friend
2. Shape – The more extreme the shape, the fewer HCP are required
3. Controls – Quick tricks matter, especially so when playing in slam

Missing both the Ace and King in a suit can spell TROUBLE!
Aces – first round control
Voids – first round control
King-Queen – second round control
Singleton – second round control
King+ other – second round control (but not guaranteed) [Read more…]