Poll #25, In 6C slam: consider finesse, preemptive bidding, second hand play, 01/10/2011

Playing in 6 Club slam Contract: consider finesse, second hand play, preemptive bidding

In today’s poll, dummy holds Ace-8-4 in North opposite declarer’s Queen-Jack-9 in South. It turns out that West holds the King-3-2 so the finesse is onside. So what is the correct line of play for South? And assuming the best line of play by the declarer, how should West play the King? Or best said, WHEN should West play the King? Does it matter for South; does it matter for West, or does anything matter at all with this holding? Inquiring minds must know – we are looking for you to give us answers. Good luck with your poll response.

Part 1 – video commentary of bidding with card animation.

A 8 4

♠ —
K 3 2

♣ —





♠ —
(4 Hearts)

♣ —

Q J 9

On today’s hands at the table, the bidding soon bolts skywards. While the opener and responder both showed full opening hands based on their initial bid, the opponents vigorously competed to 4 Spades on their first round of bidding. Unfazed, the responder pushed onward to a slam contract. But the bidding is only the icing on the cake – where will the declarer find 12 tricks? And like today’s poll, when should the defender cover an honor with an honor? [Read more…]