Advanced Lesson 5 – Balancing Seat 1 Notrump and Double Calls

To date, our balancing bid quest in the passout seat has focused on 1 level overcalls or simply passing.  But the fun has just begun and in this and the next episode it’s time to address situations where we should overcall 1 Notrump in the fourth seat – either that or double.  And the meaning of the double?   In scenario Type 1, we are making a traditional takeout double when we are short in the Left Hand Opponents suit with good support in the remaining three suits.  Point-wise, in the balancing/passout seat we are permitted add a virtual 3 points from partner – i.e., “Borrowing a King,” striving to keep the auction alive.  That leaves the Type 2 double, where we hold a hand with around 6-7 playing tricks (6 Losing Trick Count with a great trump suit, Suit Quality 8-9+).  Again, we’re able to borrow a King from partner when making our call – first doubling, then rebidding 1 Notrump or our long/strong suit bid.

But the bidding fun has just begun, and we will have to be on our toes during the play of the hand to make our ambitious game contract (especially after partner FORGOT that we borrowed a King when making our call in the passout seat!  For this lesson we have two segments.  Part 1 and 1b are 25 minutes and 23 minutes, respectively.

Of course, should you need to simply relax and cuddle up with some less pithy lessons, please check out the hundreds of hours of videos in our archive by clicking

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Visitors – please click here to view Part 1 of the Teaser

Premium and ULTRA Members click here to view Part 1 of the 25 minute video

Premium and ULTRA Members click here to view Part 1b of the 23 minute video

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