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DOPI - An acronym for Double Zero, Pass One, used to indicate Aces or Key Cards when an opponent has interfered with a slam-asking sequence as Gerber or Blackwood.




Zero Aces or keycards*


1 Ace or keycards*

1st Suit

2 Aces or keycards*

2nd Suit

3 Aces or keycards*

* Note: Some advanced player prefer to interpret Suit bids according their Keycard system.  For instance, playing RKC, the 1st Suit bid would indicate 0 or 3 Keycards (not one).

See books on Slam and other slam conventions: 1430, Baby Blackwood, Blackwood, Controls, Exclusion Blackwood - Voidwood, Gerber, Grand Slam Force, Jacoby 2 Notrump, Key Card Blackwood, Kickback, Last Train,  NAMYATS, Pick a Slam, Quantitative Notrump Bid, Rolling Blackwood, Serious 3 Notrump, Slam Try - Stayman, Splinters, Opener Jump Shift, Strong Jump Shift, and legacy treatments as Roman Asking Bids, Roman Blackwood, Roman Gerber.  Slam treatments also include interference of an overcall by opponents, as Negative Slam Double, DOPI, DEPO, ROPI.


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