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Book Review Index: Target Audience - Novice



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Newcomer =      Novice=    Intermediate=    Advanced=

Target Audience - Novice: A-B

100 Tips for Better Bridge
Mendleson, Paul                   Novice                  General

100 Tips for Better Bridge
Mendleson, Paul                   Novice                  General

101 Bridge Maxims
Kelsey, Hugh                         Novice                  General

21-Day Guide to Bridge Mastery, A: Intermediate Bridge in Three Weeks *
Truscott, Alan                       Novice                  General
4-3-2-1 Manual: The Ideal Student Textbook
Cohen, Ruth                          Novice                 General
5 Card Majors
Klinger, Ron                          Novice                  Bidding
Abbot and the Sensational Squeeze, The
Bird, David                             Novice+              Entertainment
Abbot's Great Sacrifice, The
Bird, David                             Novice+              Entertainment
ABCs of Bridge, The
Root, William                         Novice                 General                    Amazon Top 10
ACBL Club Directory of Duplicate Bridge Players
ACBL                                       Novice+              General
ACBL Bridge Series (The Diamond Series): Play of the Hand:  *
Grant, Audrey                       Novice                  Declarer                    Amazon top 10
ACBL Bridge Series (The Heart Series): Defense *
Grant, Audrey                       Novice                  Defender                  Amazon top 25
Acol Bridge Flipper
Klinger, Ron                           Novice                 General                Over 160,000 sold
Acol Bridge For Bright Improvers
Kelsey, Hugh                         Novice                  Bidding
Acol in Action, Or: Calling a Spade a Spade *
Cohen, Ben                            Novice                 General
Acol System of Contract Bridge, The
Cohen, Ben                            Novice                 Bidding
Adventures in Duplicate Bridge
McMullin, Edith                      Novice                  General
Adventures of Jenny Mae the Bridge Pro, The
Hoffman, Martin                   Novice+               Entertainment
Advice To The Bridgelorn
Kleinman, Danny                  Novice+               Entertainment
All Hands On Deck!
Bird, David                             Novice+               Entertainment
Armchair Guide to Remove Some of the Misconceptions of This Lovely Game, An: Social Contract Bridge Made Easy *
Jacka, R                                 Novice                 General
Around The World in 80 Hands
Mahmood, Zia                       Novice+               Entertainment
Art of Bridge: Bridge Poems for Your Ex-Partner
Weinstein, Arthur                 Novice+                Entertainment
Art of Coarse Bidding, The
Hughes, Spike                       Novice+                Entertainment
A textbook from B to Z: Instant Bridge *
Mollo, Victor                          Novice                   General
At the Table: The Autobiography of the World's #1 Rated Bridge Player
Hamman, Bob                       Novice+                Entertainment
Auction Bridge                                                           The Best Nonfiction Sellers of 1913
Work, Milton                          Novice                  General
Auction Bridge For All
Foster, Alfred                        Novice                  General
Auction Bridge in Twelve Lessons
Whitehead, Wilbur                Novice                  General
Auction Bridge Made Clear
Foster, Alfred                        Novice                  General
Auction Bridge Made Simpler, More Definite: Win at Bridge *
Shepard, Edward                  Novice                  General
Aunt Agatha Plays Tournament Bridge
North, Freddie                        Novice+              General
Autobiography of the World's #1 Rated Bridge Player, The: At the Table *
Hamman, Bob                        Novice+                Entertainment
Bachelor Bridge: The Amorous Adventures of Jack O'Hearts
Bird, David                             Novice+               General
Back To Basics: Simple Minded Bridge
King, Jim                                 Novice                 General
Basic Acol Bridge Flipper
Klinger, Ron                           Novice                  Bidding
Basic American Bidding System, The
Pottier, Jerry                         Novice                  Bidding
Basic Bridge: A Guide to Good Acol Bidding and Play
Klinger, Ron                           Novice                  General
Basic Defence
North, Freddie                       Novice                  Defender
Basics, The: Contract Bridge *
Rimington, Derek                  Novice                  General
Beasley Contract Bridge System, The
Beasley, Henry                      Novice                  General
Beaten by the Masters
Bird, David                             Novice+                Entertainment
Becoming an ACBL Life Master: Go for the Gold! *
Saxon, Burt                            Novice                  General
Bedside Book of Bridge
Jeronimidis, Elena                 Novice+                Entertainment
Best of Eddie Kantar: Funny Stories from the Bridge Table *
Kantar, Eddie                         Novice+               Entertainment
Better Bidding for Improving Players
Dick, Ross                               Novice                   General
Better Bridge: A Book For The Beginner And Intermediate Player
Fitzsimmons, Cortland          Novice                  General
Bid Better, Play Better
Truscott, Dorothy                  Novice                  General
Bidding At Bridge
Squire, Norman                     Novice                   Bidding
Bidding Messages, The: The Future Champions' Series VI. (pamphlet) *
Andersen, Ron                      Novice                   Bidding
Bidding Structure, The: Contract Bridge *
Weiss, Lawrence                   Novice                  Bidding
Bidding Today: Contract Bridge
Squire, Norman                     Novice                  General
Big Game, The: Rubber Bridge in a London Club
Sheehan, Robert              Novice                      General
Book of Bridge, The: Daily Telegraph
Fox, George                           Novice                  General
Breakthrough Bridge Monograph Number 1: Heresy In Wonderland, A Bedtime Bridge Fable
Sundby, Robert                     Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge, A Reference Guide to the Literature
Sachen, William                     Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Adventures of Androcles MacThick, The
Theimer, Ernst                      Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Adventures of Robin Hood, The
Bird, David                             Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Around the World
Hackett, Paul                         Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge At Ruff's Club
Phillips, Hubert                      Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Babies: Cartoons with Bridge Captions
Wilson, Dorothy                     Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Basics 2: Competitive Bidding
Grant, Audrey                        Novice                  Competitive
Bridge Basics and Beyond
Mollo, Victor                           Novice                  General
Bridge Basics: An Introduction to Good Bridge
Klinger, Ron                           Novice                  General
Bridge Below the Belt
Cohen, Larry                          Novice+               Entertainment
Bridge Bidding Made Easy
Kantar, Eddie                         Novice                  Bidding
Bridge Bidding: Lessons and Quizzes on Goren's Point Count Method
Mallon, John                           Novice                  Bidding
Bridge Book for the Average Player, A: Winning Tricks *
Brown, John                          Novice                   Play
Bridge Bum, The: My Life and Play
Sontag, Alan                          Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Detective Returns: Sherlock Holmes *
Thomas, Frank                      Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge for Money
Bird, David                             Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge For The Joneses
O'Brien, Maureen                 Novice                   General
Bridge For Women
Solomon, Peggy                    Novice+                 Entertainment
Bridge Grapevine, The
Helms, Gerald                        Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Immortals, The
Mollo, Victor                           Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge in Muttropolis
Rubens, Jeff                          Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge In The Fifth Dimension
Mollo, Victor                           Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge in the Fourth Dimension
Mollo, Victor                           Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge in the Looking Glass
Flint, Jeremy                          Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge in the Menagerie: The Winning Ways of the Hideous Hog
Mollo, Victor                           Novice+                Entertainment   
Bridge in Wonderland
Rubens, Jeff                          Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Institute Lesson Manual: Goren System
Nash, Garrett                        Novice+                General
Bridge Internationalists, Famous and Infamous
Kleinman, Danny                   Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Is A Contact Sport
Abern, Wendell                     Novice+                 Entertainment
Bridge is an Easy Game
Macleod, Iain                         Novice                   General
Bridge is Easy With the Lea System
Lea, Robert                            Novice                   General
Bridge Is Still an Easy Game
Donovan, Peter                     Novice                  General 
Bridge Literature
Smith, Nick                             Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Made Easy: Book 2 - Intermediate
Sydnor, Caroline                   Novice                  General    ABTA Book of Year 1982
Bridge Made Easy: Book 3 - How to Win More Tricks
Sydnor, Caroline                   Novice                  General    ABTA Book of Year 1982
Bridge Maxims: Secrets of Better Play
Grant, Audrey                        Novice                   General                 Amazon top 100
Bridge Mini-Series - I: Fine Tuning Your Bridge  *           ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice                   General
Bridge Mini-Series - II: Later in the Auction *                  ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice+                General
Bridge Mini-Series: III: Opening Leads Versus Suits *   ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice                  Defender
Bridge Mini-Series - IV: Double Trouble *                        ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice                  Competition
Bridge Mini-Series - V: Weak Two Bids *                          ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice                  Bidding
Bridge Mini-Series: VI: Competitive Bidding *                  ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice                  Competitive
Bridge Mini-Series - VII: Defensive Signals *                   ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice                  Defender
Bridge Mini-Series: VIII: Negative Doubles:  *                 ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice                  Competitive
Bridge Mini-Series - IX: Slam Bidding *                             ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice                  Bidding
Bridge Mini-Series - X: Slam Bidding II *                          ABTA Book of the Year 1992
Sands, Norma                        Novice                  Bidding
Bridge My Way                                                                      ABTA Book of the Year 1993
Mahmood, Zia                        Novice                  General
Bridge Over Troubled Waters
Bird, David                             Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Party Hostess
Anderson, Molly                     Novice+               Entertainment 
Bridge Plafond: The Original Game of Contract Bridge: The Game with a Past and a Future
Manning-Foster, A.               Novice+                Entertainment 
Bridge Play
Sheinwold, Alfred                 Novice+                Play
Bridge Play Made Easy
Cayley, Frank                         Novice                  Play 
Bridge Player Who Laughed, The
Klinger, Ron                           Novice+                Entertainment 
Bridge Player's Bedside Book, The
Forrester, Tony                     Novice+                Entertainment 
Bridge Player's Bedside Book, The
Hervey, George                     Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Player's Bedside Companion
Ostrow, Albert                       Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Player's Dictionary
Reese, Terence                    Novice+                 General
Bridge Player's Dictionary, The
Baron, Randy                        Novice+                 General
Bridge Player's Supper Book, The
Cox, Nicola                             Novice+                 Entertainment
Bridge Plus Annual, The
Jeronimidis, Elena                 Novice+                 Entertainment
Bridge Poems for Your Ex-Partner: Art of Bridge *
Weinstein, Arthur                 Novice+                 Entertainment
Bridge Poems for Your Partner
Weinstein, Arthur                 Novice+                 Entertainment
Bridge Pro, The: Jenny Mae *
Hoffman, Martin                    Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Saga
Mollo, Victor                           Novice+                 Entertainment
Bridge Scandal in Houston
Kleinman, Danny                   Novice+                 Entertainment
Bridge, Standard Bidding
Fox, George                           Novice                   Bidding
Bridge Student Text, The: Defense at Contract Bridge: Volume 4
Stewart, Frank                      Novice                   Defender  ABTA  Book of Year 1989
Bridge Table Tales
Markus, Rika                         Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Team Murders, The
Granovetter, Matt                Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge, The Elements of Play
Fox, George                           Novice                   Play
Bridge, The First Principles
Flint, Jeremy                          Novice                  General
Bridge the Silver Way
Silver, David                           Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Unlimited: The Fateful Years
Mollo, Victor                           Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge with a Feminine Touch
Bird, David                              Novice+               Entertainment
Bridge With Algy
Sheinwold, Alfred                 Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge With Aunt Agatha: Techniques Without Tears
North, Freddie                       Novice                  General
Bridge With Dora
Brown, John                          Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge with Jackie: Humorous Anecdotes about Jackie (his wife)
Moyse, Alphonse                   Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge With Mr. Playbetter
Phillips, Hubert                      Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge with My Wife
Saunders, P                           Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge With the Three Musketeers
Nieslen, Aksel                        Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge With The Times
Flint, Jeremy                          Novice                  General
Bridge Word Puzzles
Martin, Emerson                    Novice+                Entertainment
Bridge Workbook for Beginners, The
Marston, Paul                        Newcomer              General
Bridges Strangest Hands
Ward, Andrew                        Novice                   General
Bridging of Troy or Tales from the Trojan Tournament, The
Ackerly, Chris                         Novice+                Entertainment

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