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Victory Points - A method of scoring multiple team events, where the actual score in International Match Points for each round is converted to Victory Point numeric scale.  Victory Point scales vary from country to country; here are the two common scales used in North America for multi-Board per Match Swiss Team games

30 Point Victory Scale
IMP Difference
6-8 Boards
Victory Points IMP Difference
9-11 Boards
0 15-15 0
1 18-12 1
2 19-11 2
3 20-10 3-4
4 21-9 5-6
5-6 22-8 7-8
7-8 23-7 9-11
9-10 24-6 12-14
11-13 25-5 15-17
14-16 26-4 18-21
17-19 27-3 22-25
20-23 28-2 26-30
24-27 29-1 31-35
28+ 30-0 36+


20 Point Victory Scale
IMP Difference
6-8 Boards
Victory Points IMP Difference
9-11 Boards
0 10-10 0
1-2 11-9 1-2
3-4 12-8 3-5
5-7 13-7 6-9
8-10 14-6 10-13
11-13 15-5 14-17
14-16 16-4 18-21
17-19 17-3 22-25
20-23 18-2 26-30
24-27 19-1 31-35
28+ 20-0 36+

International Match Points (IMPs) -  In international matchpoint scoring, on each board the total point difference between the two scores compared is converted into IMPs according to the following scale:

in points

20-40 1
50-80 2
90-120 3
130-160 4
170-210 5
220-260 6
270-310 7
320-360 8
370-420 9
430-490 10
500-590 11
600-740 12
750-890 13
900-1090 14
1100-1290 15
1300-1490 16
1500-1740 17
1750-1990 18
2000-2240 19
2250-2490 20
2500-2990 21
3000-3490 22
3500-3990 23
4000+ 24


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