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Threat - A card which opponents must guard against by keeping holding in that suit, otherwise the card will win a trick.  Types of menace cards include:

K 10 x


Q x x

x x x

A J x x


Isolated Threat (Menace)- One card menace, often an opponents' Queen - here West cannot afford to pitch a Heart (declarer is uncertain which way to finesse on this hand)


  A x x

K Q x

  x x x x

  x x x


Two-card Threat (Menace) - Where an opponent holds both a winner and a threat card - again West must not pitch a Spade in order to win 2 Spade tricks.



x x x x

A 10 x

Q x x

K J x

Split Two Card Menace (Threat)  - A two card menace where the cards are in opposite hands - neither East nor West can afford to pitch a Diamond when void in another suit.  Further, with these holdings it is unprofitable for either side to break this suit.

Double Menace (Threat) - Holding a card threatening both opponents' (same diagram)


  A J 10

K Q x

  x x x x

  x x x


Extended Two-card Menace (Threat) - A two card menace with adjoining cards in the suit that will be promoted into winners


A K 9 x


Q J 10 x

x x

x x x x


Recessed Menace (Threat) - Holding a threat card with two or more additional winning tricks



x x x

K x x

A 10 x x

Q J x

Twin Entry Menace Threat) - A hand containing a winner, with the opposite hand containing a winner and a menace as well as small card/s

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