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Bart - An artificial 2D rebid by responder implying five Hearts in the sequence:

1S - 1N;        1N is Forcing or Semi-forcing
2C - 2D;        2D is Bart, showing one of several hand

With a minimum hand and three Hearts, opener bids 2 Hearts.  Responder's action include:


With two Spades and a minimum hand, responder plans to pass if opener bids 2 Hearts (minimum)


With two Spades and 9-11 points, after opener bids 2H showing a minimum, Responder bids 2S

If opener instead rebids 2S, responder shall pass

If opener instead rebids 2N, responder shall bid 3N.


With a good Diamond Suit and an invitational hand, bid 3D.


With a good Club Suit and an invitational hand, bid 3C.


With four Clubs and an invitational hand, bid 2N.

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